Now in our 35th year, the International Cover Model Search is the oldest continuous model search in the world. Every year new top models are discovered - and this this year it could be you
Enter the 2021 INTERNATIONAL COVER MODEL SEARCH now for YOUR chance to win modeling contracts, photo shoots in Miami Beach, Florida, Chicago, Illinois, New York, New York or Los Angeles, California and appear in national and international ad campaigns magazines and catalogs.
Enter the 2021 INTERNATIONAL COVER MODEL SEARCH now for YOUR chance to win modeling contracts, photo shoots in Miami Beach, Florida, Chicago, Illinois, New York, New York or Los Angeles, California and appear in national and international ad campaigns magazines and catalogs.
How can a beginner model win a modeling contract? According to Wiki Answers, "The only way to win a modeling contract is by entering a modeling contest or by participating in a show like America's Next Top Model."

Modeling Contracts? New York? London? Paris? Los Angeles? Miami Beach? This is the questions that we hear most often. They're out there, to be sure. But very few people understand them, even fewer actually get one, and when they do it might not turn out to be quite what they expected.
Modeling Contract Basics
It's hard to predict how much money a new model will make over the course of his or her first year. As a new model you're a "new 'product" and you have to be introduced to the market just like any other new product.
So you will probably start out by going on "go-sees" and castings. (A "go-see" is usually a brief and informal meeting with a magazine editor, for example, with no definite job or production date in mind and a "casting" is usually an interview or an audition for something more definite.)
Essentially, you will be given "shelf space" so agency clients can take a look at you and decide whether they want to buy or not - much like putting a new brand of peanut butter on a grocery store shelf.
Will magazine editors want you for editorials? Will Macy's like you enough to put you in their ads? Will top designers want to put you on the runway for Fashion Week? Who knows? Who can predict?
Another thing you need to know is that modeling contracts containing a guaranteed dollar amount are the exception, rather than the rule as, with hundreds of people moving to Paris, New York, Miami Beach or Los Angeles every day looking for a chance to act or model, top agencies in Paris, New York, Miami Beach or Los Angeles don't need to offer such incentives.
Top agencies in Japan, however, have been known to offer guarantees (some with $10,000 monthly minimums) to models that fit their particular criteria and there are also a few large model searches such as Elite Model Look and Ford Supermodel that do offer guaranteed modeling contracts.
Keep in mind however, that many of the models that win these big competitions might not go on to become top models. Cindy Crawford, Stephanie Seymour, Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum, for example, all "lost" big modeling competitions but every single one of them went on to become top models.
Whenever a new model wins a $100,000 modeling contract the offering agency is, of course, under a lot of pressure to fulfill that contract and the model will be offered every job that comes along, including a lot of catalog work. Great money (around $1,500 to $2,000 a day) but it's not the sort of work that builds a long lasting career.
Editorial work (including covers) for the top fashion magazines including L'Officiel, Elle, Vogue, etc. may only pay $200 or so a day. But 'tear sheets' from top fashion magazines are the building blocks to stardom and super model status and super size paychecks in the $10,000 to $100,000 a day range.
No model will ever reach that level doing just catalog work. Not to worry, however, as very few models ever become a supermodel - someone whose name (or at least their face) is instantly recognized.
So how do you get a modeling contract? As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the only way to win a modeling contract is to enter a model search or get picked to appear on America's Next Top Model.
We don't know of an easy way to get on America's Next Top Model but we can make it easy for you to enter the 2014 Inetrnational Cover Model Search, the oldest and largest continuous model search in the world, and it will only take a minute.
Modeling Contract Basics
It's hard to predict how much money a new model will make over the course of his or her first year. As a new model you're a "new 'product" and you have to be introduced to the market just like any other new product.
So you will probably start out by going on "go-sees" and castings. (A "go-see" is usually a brief and informal meeting with a magazine editor, for example, with no definite job or production date in mind and a "casting" is usually an interview or an audition for something more definite.)
Essentially, you will be given "shelf space" so agency clients can take a look at you and decide whether they want to buy or not - much like putting a new brand of peanut butter on a grocery store shelf.
Will magazine editors want you for editorials? Will Macy's like you enough to put you in their ads? Will top designers want to put you on the runway for Fashion Week? Who knows? Who can predict?
Another thing you need to know is that modeling contracts containing a guaranteed dollar amount are the exception, rather than the rule as, with hundreds of people moving to Paris, New York, Miami Beach or Los Angeles every day looking for a chance to act or model, top agencies in Paris, New York, Miami Beach or Los Angeles don't need to offer such incentives.
Top agencies in Japan, however, have been known to offer guarantees (some with $10,000 monthly minimums) to models that fit their particular criteria and there are also a few large model searches such as Elite Model Look and Ford Supermodel that do offer guaranteed modeling contracts.
Keep in mind however, that many of the models that win these big competitions might not go on to become top models. Cindy Crawford, Stephanie Seymour, Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum, for example, all "lost" big modeling competitions but every single one of them went on to become top models.
Whenever a new model wins a $100,000 modeling contract the offering agency is, of course, under a lot of pressure to fulfill that contract and the model will be offered every job that comes along, including a lot of catalog work. Great money (around $1,500 to $2,000 a day) but it's not the sort of work that builds a long lasting career.
Editorial work (including covers) for the top fashion magazines including L'Officiel, Elle, Vogue, etc. may only pay $200 or so a day. But 'tear sheets' from top fashion magazines are the building blocks to stardom and super model status and super size paychecks in the $10,000 to $100,000 a day range.
No model will ever reach that level doing just catalog work. Not to worry, however, as very few models ever become a supermodel - someone whose name (or at least their face) is instantly recognized.
So how do you get a modeling contract? As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the only way to win a modeling contract is to enter a model search or get picked to appear on America's Next Top Model.
We don't know of an easy way to get on America's Next Top Model but we can make it easy for you to enter the 2014 Inetrnational Cover Model Search, the oldest and largest continuous model search in the world, and it will only take a minute.
Click HERE to enter the 2021 International Cover Model Search